Lysander typically looks like this. The noteworthy barriers to a Belial conversion are the fists on his right knee guard, chest and shield, and also the fact that his hammer is a fist. With a pair of toe nail clippers (bought exclusively for modeling, of course), I cleared away each site to make room for some dark angel-specific flair. While the wings on the hammer were my favorite looking addition (glued over a ground down square where the fist used to be), I'm excited to put a heraldic pattern (seen on my other termies) on his chest, and the dark angel on his knee guard was ground down to roughly half its thickness in order to mold it to the contour of the mini. The actual shield was a pretty obvious conversion and was the easiest. I'm not 100% pleased with the thickness of the added piece, however, and may shave it down.

I'll keep some updates coming on him, but for now, I have some more pics of dudes taken in my new light box! I need to buy more lights, but it's a successful work in progress.

Brother Bethor, the Dark Angel Standard Bearer and some Vets.

This guy may see some use soon. With two unpainted buddies, he's been fun to look at, but hasn't been road rashing anyone or anything. (I may need to add a chain to one of the others!)

This is a favorite of a lot of folks. Asmodai used to be a character for the Dark Angels but has no 4th edition rules. The plate on his pack is probably recognizable as a variant faceplate for a dreadnought.

My first compete Deathwing Captain. I think I'll name him Hadron the Collider.

Tarkus is back with a better photo and is joined by the first of my new assault marines. The Gold helmet will only be on the Sgt.

Lastly, we have one of my most favorite minis and slight conversions. Made of a mishmash of pieces that I had lying around, this tech marine's one handed bolter and terminator powerfist arm really get me going.
That's all I have for tonight! I'll try to get some updated pics of Belial/Lysander and a space marine apothecary I'm working on soon!
Love the name Hadron the Collider!