Friday, July 30, 2010

Craft Wondrous Mixtape

Some thought it inevitable, others impossible - tasteless even, but the proof is in the well-produced pudding: I recently won a mix tape competition among roughly a dozen of my colleagues. This, in spite of (and it turns out, thanks to) my appreciation for metal and all things nerdy.

I have three general rules about music. If a song includes:
1. Vocals that sound painful,
2. A guitar solo, and/or
3. Rock organ

I am almost certain to like it. If it has neither, it's working at a disadvantage.

This is apparently an opinion shared by Anastasia Pantsios, former music critic for the Cleveland Scene and current Contributor/Brilliant Judge of Goodness at, which is packed full of relevant political goodies and life lessons. Anastasia found my mix to be "artfully blended," and I'm only out fifty bucks for all of the good press! Thank you to Anastasia for her diligence and willingness to listen to all of the entries. If you're interested in hearing the mix, you can stream it here. Anyway, check out this awesome comic to the left and the third entry in Arthur Monroe's tale below.

Entry 3

With time, the summer took shape around me and the sun grew ever present, burning at the shadows that hid my fearful search from the villagers. Lamps and candles burned dogs’ tallow and oils whose acrid fumes mingled with the musk of adrenaline to nauseating effect. I was in frightful condition; emaciated and miserable enough to blend in with the throngs of hellish creatures that I dared wade through down the directionless avenues of limbo. Never before had I been so reckless nor so desperate.

For a time, the Hound had seemed a willing mentor. It shared secrets with me and asked reasonable tasks in return-mostly using me to gather items from this world. Ivory pieces, a golden relic stolen from a church, sprigs of autumn flora, ashes from a funeral pyre; some mundane and some terrific, I was always willing to bring what it sought in order to learn one more terrible secret. I realize now, that I have paid a terrible price for each.

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