Monday, August 2, 2010

Arthur Monroe, Four

Quick and easy, just stopping in for the fourth installment. However, I bought a couple new minis this weekend and hope to get some pics up soon as I paint them!

Entry 4

It was on that previously mentioned summer night, as my ghostly, projected spirit scanned every gothic spire and sludge-filled canal in that wretched realm, that the beast found me. I reasoned and pleaded with it and attempted to command it, but I was too far from my mortal anchor - too weak to face it there. The stink of sulfur burned my throat and its smoldering coat scorched my lungs. Hacking what words I could at the Hound made no difference as it lunged toward me.

I awoke the next morning, sprawled out across my scattered summoning well, to the sound of cloth flapping in a summer breeze that carried hints of burnt wood. As I rose to my feet, shards of memory fell into place. When the Hound’s weight pressed against me I was expelled from the portal, and the intrusive breeze on my cheek was proof enough that it had followed! I quickly pulled a tapestry aside and resignedly found that no door, or even wall, was left behind it. Confirmation of my dreadful mistake lay before me - what had once been the wooden shell of my summoning chamber was now reduced to ash by its escape. Not a plank remained, though the enchanted curtains hung still, swaying in the choking heat.

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