The Deathwing are the first Company of the Dark Angel Chapter. It's an important part of the army fluff, and it facilitates one of the most significant diversions from the standard force deployment rules in 40k - that is, you can field an army of terminators of you follow the Deathwing rules. Unlike the dark green standard for the army, or the all black Ravenwing squadrons, Deathwing - particularly terminators - boast bleached bone paint in memory of some badass space marines of yore.

I'm not certain that this is the final look, but it's definitely closer than I've ever been to happy while working with such a light color. I think it will make them pop a bit on the table too. The crest on the left shoulder really rocks my socks, and ties these guys to my tactical squad scheme.

I will say that, aside from the natural awesomeness of powerfists and such, the terminator minis have never really wowed me. They have a sort of muscle-bound look and never seem to be up to much - not that they need to be.

This green shoulder is begging for some sort of free-hand design. There are a lot of possibilities, and I just haven't decided yet. I think the Deathwing symbol is a broken white sword, so I'll probably see if I can manage that a few times.

These are surprisingly simple to paint. Beige foundation dry brushed, under bleached bone dry brushed, with a lot of brownish wash and a couple of accent colors. I hope to have an entire unit of five to post by the end of the week. Maybe a total of ten before the month is out!
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