Friday, October 15, 2010

Battle 1 - The Spoils of War

This is the first battle of the campaign, a smaller one, at 1000 pts. We will be playing it Saturday (which is either tomorrow or today depending on how long it takes me to type this).

It is a seize ground mission: before deciding deployment zones, but after placing terrain, players must place 1D3+2 objectives around the board, a minimum of 12" from each other and board edges.

To win the seize ground mission, players must control the objectives. To control an objective a player must have a scoring unit (one of the 'troop' type) within 3" of the objective, and no enemy unit (scoring or not) may be within 3" of the objective.

In this particular mission we are using the dawn of war deployment which adds a few extra rules:

First the table is divided in half, and when placing units the player who places first may place up too two troops and one HQ any where in his deployment zone. Then player two does the same, but none of his units may be within 18" of an enemy unit.

Troops or HQ's that can infiltrate may do so, and scout moves may be made.

Once the game starts the player who deployed first goes first. All units not deployed, that were not held in reserve must enter the game in the movement phase by moving in from their table edge, as if they had been held in reserve.

Finally, turn one of the game is subject to the night fighting rules; also this game type allows for Reserves and Deep striking (rules for those must be followed as outlined on page 94 and 95 of the rulebook).

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