Saturday, April 9, 2011

April Update!

I've made large amounts of progress on the War Walker. Just putting the final layer of highlight on the body. Then i have to paint up the pilot and cockpit. I've also only painted the requisite x2 guns ... so the remaining weapons need to be painted up as well.

I've also based and primed my entire Vampire Counts army. Now, it's not really my intention to start a new project. But i was thinking about selling the whole thing. Possibly painting it up first. Just a 3 layer paint job (base, 1st layer, highlight) to give it an even table ready appearance.

I figure if i painted it up nice enough, and included the types of paints i used, anyone who bought it could add to the army in the same color scheme. To me, the biggest downfall of buying a pre-painted army is that you get all the mis-matched jobs and your army looks like crap on the table. But if you are provided a paint list, and it's a simple job. You can at least add to it with some manner of cohesion.

So this is just an update of what i've been up to, when not working, running my pathfinder campaign, or planning a wedding.

Lets see some more Space Marines, Tau, and Grey Knights aye? I know there are more then just Bill and I in this Grim Dark Kitchen.

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